글 수 790
2005.08.12 10:21:37 (*.111.184.23)
Rienk와 저도 여러분께 많은 감사를 드립니다. 지금 저희들은 서울에서 짧게나마 신혼여행을 즐기고 있습니다. 인제 아침을 먹으러 가야겠군요! 다음에 가족 여러분을 만날 기회가 있기를 바랍니다.
2005.08.12 10:50:10 (*.69.191.130)
형님형수님 많이 피곤하셨을텐데, 잘 쉬셨습니까?
비록 하루저녁이었지만, 하나와 링크 덕택에 가족들과 재밌게 잘 지내다 올 수 있어서 좋았습니다.
또 다시 가족들을 만날 날이 기다려집니다.
하나&링크에게 축하하며...
비록 하루저녁이었지만, 하나와 링크 덕택에 가족들과 재밌게 잘 지내다 올 수 있어서 좋았습니다.
또 다시 가족들을 만날 날이 기다려집니다.
하나&링크에게 축하하며...
2005.08.13 11:15:26 (*.33.215.18)
To Haemoo Yoo, my dear elder brother-in-law
In the first place, I give you a big hand with reference to your taking a son-in-law who has attractive features, good-temperament, and musical talents, though he is a foreigner who has to live in the Netherlands and so can hardly help you in need.
In the next place, I don't know how to thank you for looking after all members of the family one by one and trying to tie them in one as a eldest brother. Actually, this is not a traditional confucian custom but a kind of christian one mentioned in the Bible.
I believe that Rienk who has a lot of siblings and relatives will also learn and resemble gradually these wisdoms and posters of you in consequence of this chance like the wedding ceremony and our family meeting. Therefore he will love his wife in the same manner and also will educate his children who will be born in the future to obey this custom of Bible.
For heaven's sake, I really hope that Rienk and Hanna will live happily in the grace of God all their lifes as their parent in korea.
In the first place, I give you a big hand with reference to your taking a son-in-law who has attractive features, good-temperament, and musical talents, though he is a foreigner who has to live in the Netherlands and so can hardly help you in need.
In the next place, I don't know how to thank you for looking after all members of the family one by one and trying to tie them in one as a eldest brother. Actually, this is not a traditional confucian custom but a kind of christian one mentioned in the Bible.
I believe that Rienk who has a lot of siblings and relatives will also learn and resemble gradually these wisdoms and posters of you in consequence of this chance like the wedding ceremony and our family meeting. Therefore he will love his wife in the same manner and also will educate his children who will be born in the future to obey this custom of Bible.
For heaven's sake, I really hope that Rienk and Hanna will live happily in the grace of God all their lifes as their parent in korea.
2005.08.13 08:45:14 (*.33.215.18)
저희 중간에 잠깐 쉬면서 와서 그런지
6시 넘어서 도착했는데....
복잡하고 부산한 가운데 여러가지 배려한 하나네께 감사를....
6시 넘어서 도착했는데....
복잡하고 부산한 가운데 여러가지 배려한 하나네께 감사를....
2005.08.15 06:09:02 (*.91.252.28)
Thanks for the impressive message of you, SB! I'll respond again.
저건네 원고는 언제까지냐?
저건네 원고는 언제까지냐?
2005.08.17 11:53:28 (*.91.252.28)
Uncle SB
thank you very much for your kind words. I
And i also want to say thanks to the rest of the Yoo familie. We have had a marvellous time here. We went out for dinner twice a day. I have never eaten so much in one week. During our short honeymoon we visited Seoul. We went to a famous palace and to a museum. We also attended a recital with traditional korean music. I really liked it. We also visited many relatives.
Thank you for being at the wedding. It was great and unforgettable. Some elements of the wedding were very strange for me as a foreigner. But I really enjoyed it. Thank you, Rienk Blom.
thank you very much for your kind words. I
And i also want to say thanks to the rest of the Yoo familie. We have had a marvellous time here. We went out for dinner twice a day. I have never eaten so much in one week. During our short honeymoon we visited Seoul. We went to a famous palace and to a museum. We also attended a recital with traditional korean music. I really liked it. We also visited many relatives.
Thank you for being at the wedding. It was great and unforgettable. Some elements of the wedding were very strange for me as a foreigner. But I really enjoyed it. Thank you, Rienk Blom.
2005.08.17 22:54:51 (*.33.215.20)
After reading the note from Rienk Blom
I think gladly that you probably visited Kyungbok palace and the national central museum in Seoul during your honeymoon and had a good time to eat a variety of korean foods and view a traditional concert of Korea there.
Our country has emphasized traditionally courtesy and morality not to invade firstly in spite of being attacked variously from neighboring countries like the Netherlands. I think that this is a kind of personality to stand for our nation where I belong. Thus I make an earnest request to you for having the self-esteem as a Korean son-in-law.
I think gladly that you probably visited Kyungbok palace and the national central museum in Seoul during your honeymoon and had a good time to eat a variety of korean foods and view a traditional concert of Korea there.
Our country has emphasized traditionally courtesy and morality not to invade firstly in spite of being attacked variously from neighboring countries like the Netherlands. I think that this is a kind of personality to stand for our nation where I belong. Thus I make an earnest request to you for having the self-esteem as a Korean son-in-law.
또 모든 가족들을 만나서 즐길 수 있어서 모두에게 감사드립니다.
통나무집을 나서며 배웅하는 가족들에게 손 흔든 다음의 첫마디, "가기 싫다", "가족이 있으니까 참 좋다"....
저희는 오후 3시 50분쯤에 도착했습니다.
바로 전화 드릴려다 피곤하게 쉬실 것 같아 미루었습니다.
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